Thursday, October 24, 2019

I like hackerrank because I can see other people's solution which is exactly same problem.

I've just solved 'Attribute Parser' problem on hackerrank. After I solved this problem and I had a look at the discussion to see other people's solution. I can see many good implementation!! I should learn from them. :) I think comparing other people's source code is really good way to think differently. My implementation is down below.

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

/*struct NameEquals
    bool operator() (const Tag& rhs) const
        return name == rhs.tagName;
    NameEquals(const string str) : name(str) {}
    const string name;

class Tag
    Tag(int _level, string data)
        : level(_level)
        int index = data.find(' ');

        if (index != string::npos)
            // get the tag's name not attribute name.           
            tagName = data.substr(1, index - 1);
            indexAftertagName = index;
            //cout << tagName << endl;
            noattribute = true;
            tagName = data.substr(1, data.size() - 2);

    void readAttributes(string data)
        // attributeName1 = "blabla" attributeName2 = "blablabla" ... >

        if (noattribute) return;

        int i = indexAftertagName + 1;
        const char* p = data.c_str() + i;

        while (true)
            char ch = *p;
            if (isalpha(ch)) // attributeName
                const char* attrP = p;
                while (*p != ' ') p++; // find out the empty
                const int len = p - attrP;               
                string attributeName = std::string(attrP, len);

                while (*p != '"') p++;

                const char* value = ++p;

                while (*p != '"') p++;

                const int valueLen = p - value;
                string attributeValue = std::string(value, valueLen);

                attributes.insert(make_pair(attributeName, attributeValue));
                if (*p == 0) break;

    void addChildTag(Tag* newTag)

    void command(char ch, const char* data)
        if (ch == '.')
            // find child tag
            const char* childName = data + 1;
            const char* p = childName;
            while (*p != '.' && *p != '~') p++;
            string childTagName = std::string(childName, p - childName);
            bool foundTag = false;
            for (auto element : childTags)
                if (element->tagName == childTagName)
                    foundTag = true;
                    element->command(*p, p);

            if ( !foundTag )
                cout << "Not Found!" << endl;               
        else if (ch == '~')
            // find an attribute
            const char* pAttributeName = data + 1;
            const char* p = pAttributeName;
            while (*p) p++;
            string attributeName = std::string(pAttributeName, p - pAttributeName);
            auto elementIter = attributes.find(attributeName);

            if (elementIter != attributes.end())
                cout << elementIter->second << endl;
                cout << "Not Found!" << endl;
    int level;
    int indexAftertagName;
    bool noattribute;
    string tagName;
    map<string, string> attributes;
    vector<Tag*> childTags;

<tag1 value = "HelloWorld">
<tag2 name = "Name1">

int main() {
    int n; // count of tags
    int q; // query
    cin >> n >> q;

    // skip escape char
    char c;
    c = cin.get();

    int level = 0;

    vector<Tag*> tags;
    stack<Tag*> stackTags;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        string data;
        std::getline(cin, data);

        //cout << "read : " << data << endl;

        // checks whether it start with </ or <%alphabet
        if ( == '<' && == '/')
            // end of tag
            Tag* newTag = new Tag(level, data);

            if (stackTags.size() == 0)
                // add this tag as a child


    for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i)
        string data;
        std::getline(cin, data);
        const char* p = data.c_str();
        const char* tagNameP = data.c_str();;
        while (*p != '.' && *p != '~') p++;

        const string tagName = std::string(tagNameP, p - tagNameP);

        //auto iter = std::find_if(tags.begin(), tags.end(), NameEquals(tagName));
        bool tagFound = false;
        for (auto element : tags)
            if (element->tagName == tagName)
                tagFound = true;
                element->command(*p, p);

        if ( !tagFound)
            cout << "Not Found!" << endl;           

    return 0;

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